Appartement Drei Gemsen 2b

Mallnitz 40/2b, 9822 Mallnitz 46.9813598212231,13.172960140506 Telefonnummer: +43 670 3062060 Google Karte zeigen

- the place is our private flat and we use it a few weeks a year so we like to share mostly with our friends. Feel at home there. Use freely anything you find there. -the place is relatively small, comfortable for 1 family, not more than 4 people although it can host up to 5 or 6 max. -pets welcomed -you can check in and check out by yourself, there is a safebox with a key. -for booking or more details please e-mail me to -you can use our bedcloths and towels, but please wash and dry them before leaving (or bring yours) -do the final cleaning yourself, please -fill in the guest book and switch off electricity, heating and water before you leave

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Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.

Verfügbarkeit bei Appartement Drei Gemsen 2b

40 m2 MAX 6 1 Schlafzimmer 1 Bett + 5 Extrabetten

Ausstattung von: Appartement Drei Gemsen 2b

Landkarte von: Appartement Drei Gemsen 2b
