
Ahornweg 15, 8971 Mandling 47.364951896303,13.666000778774 Telefonnummer: +43 670 3062060 Google Karte zeigen

Our quiet, children-friendly farm invites you to relax while the kids run and play. The farm is situated in a calm and beautiful are, surrounded by the mountains. We are just 2km far away from the slopes. There is a busstation right in front of the house, and a small skiroute back to the house, when snow conditions are right. In wintertime we have a sauna and a whirlpool which you can use. In summer there are lots of animals arround the house, which you can get to know. We have equipped our apartments with natural materials like wood and wool. It was our aim, to create a nice and well-being area for you. Moreover you can enjoy the marvellous view in the mountains. All our apartments have a balcony and a television. There are different types, with different sizes and equipements.

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Entfernung von:
Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.

Verfügbarkeit bei Hocheggerhof

apartment/1 bedroom/shower, WC
1 m2 MAX 4 1 Schlafzimmer 4 Betten
apartment/1 bedroom/shower, WC
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC
apartment/2 bedrooms/shower, WC
35 m2 MAX 4 2 Schlafzimmer 4 Betten
apartment/2 bedrooms/shower, WC
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC
apartment/1 bedroom/shower, WC
35 m2 MAX 6 2 Schlafzimmer und 1 Bad 4 Betten + 2 Extrabetten
apartment/1 bedroom/shower, WC
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC
Apartment, shower, toilet, living room/bedroom
35 m2 MAX 4 1 Schlafzimmer 2 Betten + 2 Extrabetten
Apartment, shower, toilet, living room/bedroom
Nur Nichtraucher
Separates WC

Ausstattung von: Hocheggerhof

Für Kinderen
  • Kinderbett
  • Kinderstuhl
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Internet
  • WiFi Internetzugang
  • Outdoors
  • Sonnenterrasse
  • Hotelgarten
  • Parkplatz
  • Parkplätze
  • Zusätzliche Dienste
  • Flughafen, Bahnhof Transport
  • Ski
  • Skiraum beheizt
  • Skiraum
  • Landkarte von: Hocheggerhof
