
Reitsam 41/2, 5450 Werfen 47.4603538396394,13.1160112363464 Telefonnummer: +43 670 3062060 Google Karte zeigen

The Ostpreussenhütte is located at 1630 metres in the middle of the Salzburg Limestone Alps. It is surrounded by the fascinating mountain world of the Hochkönig massif, the Hagen and Tennen mountains. A sunny terrace, cosy guest lounges and bar, room and mattress dormitories await you. Hikers, ski tourers, snowshoe hikers, nature lovers, Sunday excursionists, mountaineers, families, singles, people looking for peace and quiet all meet here...
Various paths lead to the Ostpreußenhütte:Via the Dielalm (1026m), which can be reached by car and offers parking, walking time approx. 2 hours (path no. 401).ORFrom Tenneck through the Blühnbachtal, walking time approx. 5 hours.ORFrom Imlau/Pfarrwerfen via Sonneck Haus, walking time approx. 3 ½ hours (trail no. 60).Summit:Gamskarkogel (2014 m)Eibleck (2354 m), Floßkogel (2437 m)Hochkönig (2948 m Opening hours:
Summer: mid-May to 26 October
Winter: 26 December to mid-March
Closed on Tuesdays! The hut is equipped with two-bed rooms and beds in the camp, a cosy large guest room and a smaller fireplace room, a large sun terrace, two washrooms and showers (for a fee).

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Entfernung von:
Die Entfernungen sind ungefähre Angaben und wurden mit Online-Tools berechnet. Für eine genauere Standortbestimmung öffnen Sie die Karte.

Verfügbarkeit bei Ostpreussenhütte

Hut, shower
MAX 2 1 Schlafzimmer 1 Bett + 1 Extrabett

Ausstattung von: Ostpreussenhütte

  • Lokale Küche
  • Für Kinderen
  • Familienfreundlich
  • Outdoors
  • Sonnenterrasse
  • Hotelgarten
  • Restaurants & Bars
  • Restaurant
  • Landkarte von: Ostpreussenhütte
